August 2020

Blog Posts

The Power of Science

Politics can’t solve this problem this time around.  Science has always played a fundamental role in our everyday lives, but its value has truly been appreciated in the past few months. With nowhere else to turn but science in handling the coronavirus, scientists have their work cut out for them.  Until the Coronavirus pandemic, I […]

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Blog Posts

Lets Stay Positive

We can all agree that the world has seen better days. But in pressing situations, I believe that positivity is the key to persevering through the unsettling present into the unforeseeable future. “Ignorance is a bliss” perfectly compacts two sides to an ever-debated topic: the truth. I wrote about the importance of seeing the truth

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Blog Posts

Power first, people later.

As a student in amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, my classmates and I were tasked with filling the spare time we had by adjusting to online learning. Ever since summer has started, however, (it is hardly distinguishable between the other four months spent at home, may I add), I have been tasked with balancing my curiosity,

Power first, people later. Read Post »

Blog Posts

Yemen: A Crisis

Even with the Coronavirus showing a strong hold on the world, for some it is the least of their concerns. This is not because of ignorance or insufficient knowledge about the severity of the current situation. It is because these people have been living in times of uncertainty the way we have been living for

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